Michael McGirr Liturgical Prayers & Reflections Pack

Author: Michael McGirr
MMLPRPGarratt Publishing27/05/2024
RRP $69.85
On Sale $54.95
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Pack containing one copy each of: Doorways in Hope and Joy, This Cup We Bless and Every Day is New by Michael McGirr

Doorways into Hope and Joy at Advent & Christmas

It’s that time of year …

Advent and Christmas are supposed to be seasons of quiet anticipation and peaceful wonder. Yet, despite what the carol says, we have few silent nights and even fewer days when all is calm. Advent and Christmas have become times laden with every kind of expectation: work parties, school break-ups, present buying, heavy traffic, people to remember, and so on and on.

These prayers are a little breather. A rest from the hype.

A chance to just be ourselves for a moment, just as we are, with the God who wants to keep things simple.

Hopefully these words and images can help turn the silly season into the sanity season.

They aim to bring us closer to the one we love.

This Cup We Bless: A tea or coffee break for every day during Lent

This book is an invitation to drink deep, to find God in the ordinary moments of every day during Lent. It is about the cup we share in the lunchroom with a colleague to get through the day. It is about the cup someone puts beside your keyboard as you work late into the night. It is about the cup a friend holds to your lips when you can’t manage it for yourself. These are the cups which, in the words of scripture, are really brimming over.

On the night before he died, Jesus begged, ‘Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me; yet, not my will but yours be done.’ As we travel through Lent, we also accept whatever cup comes our way. This book will help us all on our journey to new life.

Every Day is New: Prayers and Reflections for Ordinary Time

This small book is an invitation. It asks us to put aside a little time on the weekdays in Ordinary Time to read the Gospel of the Day and to ponder where God might be at work, and at play, in the ordinary experiences that soak up our time. It is written in the belief that Every Day is New; that God might be humming a slightly different tune in your ear today than yesterday or tomorrow. God fills the present with a song, a fragrance, a whisper, a touch. We are blessed if we can appreciate God’s more subtle flavours. That is what prayer is for.

Each week inside this book contains a simple image – a picture of graffiti or street art. These images are reminders that we are part of a broader community where everyone is trying to create an environment of meaning. They are included as an invitation to keep looking outwards as well as inwards.

Every Day is New is proof that there is nothing ‘ordinary’ about Ordinary Time.

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