The third of seven full-color reproductions from The Saint John’s Bible, Pentateuch is foundational to both Judaism and Christianity. Pentateuch features text and illuminations of the first five books of the Old Testament (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) known as the Torah in Judaism. Prominent illuminations include Creation, Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve, Jacob’s Ladder, Abraham and Sarah, the Ten Commandments and the Death of Moses.In beautiful handwritten script and elegant design, the Pentateuch contains the cherished stories of faith that are thousands of years old. This book provides an artistic interpretation of humanity’s oldest literature—still recited as living history.That these stories are significant to Jewish and Christian traditions is not surprising since they reflect the hopes, dreams, fears, and deeds of people living side by side with the earth’s oldest civilizations. Over time, these spiritual descendants of Abraham and Sarah introduced God to all the inhabitants of the Middle East and beyond. Their message was simple. God and his creation are good; evil enters when prideful humans go their own way. Nonetheless, God continues to love unconditionally.
Saint Johns Bible Vol 1 : Pentateuch
Author: Donald Jackson
RRP $299.95
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