Friendly Guide to the Resurrection of Jesus

9781925073171Garratt Publishing15/10/2016
RRP $29.95
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Christians take it for granted that Jesus rose from the dead. Without this belief, there would be no such thing as Christianity as we know it. How was this belief born? Once it was alive and central to the lives of the earliest Christians, how did they pass on their belief to following generations? This Friendly Guide traces the earliest confessions of faith in the Risen Jesus, from the first moments of the life of the Church, to the stories from Paul, Mark, Matthew, Luke and John. These inspired writings convey not only what happened, but also what it meant to the earliest Christians, and what it continues to mean today.

The Friendly Guides series by Garratt Publishing is designed to provide easily accessible information on themes fundamental to understanding the Catholic faith. Some of Australia’s foremost scholars and theologians have accepted the invitation to write at an introductory level in their fields of expertise and have produced texts which are clear, concise and readable.

The Friendly Guides are bursting with colour and creativity, featuring photos, icons, maps,charts, summary boxes and original artwork. The format is attractive and engaging and will provide an invaluable resource for teachers, students, parish groups, RCIA teams and candidates, and anyone searching for a clear explanation of Catholic tradition.

Francis J. Moloney, SDB is a Senior Professorial Fellow in the Faculty of Theology and Philosophy at Australian Catholic University. A Member of the Order of Australia and a Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities, he has held major academic positions in several Universities, most recently as Professor of New Testament and Dean of the School of Theology and Religious Studies at the Catholic University of America. He is the author of numerous scholarly books on the New Testament, and has a special interest in the figure of Jesus of Nazareth and the Gospels. He is currently a Senior Fellow at Catholic Theological College, Melbourne, and a Senior Professorial Fellow at Australian Catholic University.