Friendly Guide to Paul

Author: Chris Monaghan
9781921946998Garratt Publishing01/12/2013
RRP $29.95
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If you would like to deepen and enrich your understanding of Scripture and important Catholic beliefs, but don’t know where to start—then start right here! Journeying into Scripture does not have to be difficult, tedious or academic. This easy to comprehend series has been purposefully written at an introductory level. Written by some of Australia’s leading scholars, theologians and scripture experts, the Friendly Guide series, is vibrant, engaging and laden with maps, timelines, ‘did you knows’, colour charts, summary boxes, comparisons to modern day living and summations. The Friendly Guide series,is a great way to delve a little deeper, to understand a little more, to enrich your faith. Each volume is a sheer delight to read.

See where This ‘Friendly Guide‘ fits into the ‘To Know Worship and Love’ project.